Guidelines for Applying for Chinese Culture University
Hwa Kang Museum Exhibition Sites
1. Application time
The Hwa Kang Museum accepts exhibition applications before April 30 and November 30 of each year (applications accepted before April 30 are for exhibitions to be held from August to January of the following year, whereas those accepted before November 30 are for exhibitions to be held from February to July of the following year). Applicants shall submit the materials listed below to the Hwa Kang Museum prior to the aforementioned deadlines. Applications will be processed based on the postmark dates, where those submitted after the deadlines will not be accepted.
2. Applicant qualifications
(1)Solo exhibitions and group exhibitions : Artists who have been creating arts for more than five years and have achieved success.
(2)Class exhibitions, student club exhibitions, and department exhibitions : Schools, school clubs, classes, and agencies at all levels that have achieved teaching, research, or learning-related success in in the field of art and literature.
3. How to apply
Applicants shall submit a paper-based and digital application form based on the type of exhibition (e.g., solo exhibition, group exhibition, and achievement exhibition) that they wish to hold. For 3D works, digital images submitted shall include images taken from different angles (front views, side views, and rear views). The quantities of and details on the application materials to be submitted are described as follows:
(1)Solo exhibitions:Submit digital images of over one-third of the works exhibited.
(2)Group exhibitions:Each person to submit digital images of over one-third of the person’s works exhibited.
(3)Achievement exhibitions:Submit digital images of over one-third of the works exhibited and a recommendation letter from a professor or scholar; and ensure that the works exhibited were created in the past year.
Incomplete information will not be accepted by the Hwa Kang Museum.
4. Relevant materials submitted for review will be archived by the Hwa Kang Museum for future reference.
5. Exhibition dates are decided by the exhibitors, and the Hwa Kang Museum will try its best to accommodate it. However, in the case of expected events that result in the museum being required to use the exhibition sites, it may change the exhibition dates or locations based on its needs.
6. After passing the review, exhibitors shall comply with the following:
(1) Submit the exhibition press release (along with the digital file of the press release) to the Hwa Kang Museum one month before the exhibition for review. The museum will send the press release to related promotional units after finalizing it. The museum reserves the right to make changes to the content of the press release.
(2) For promotional materials (e.g., posters and invitation cards) self-printed by the applicants, the content and digital files of the promotional materials must be submitted to the Hwa Kang Museum for approval in advance.
(3) Applicants are responsible for packaging and transporting their exhibited works.
(4) Applicants are responsible for setting up and taking down the exhibitions and may not remove the exhibited works during the exhibition period. The exhibited works shall be retrieved at the end of the exhibition; the Hwa Kang Museum will not be responsible for safekeeping the exhibited works after the exhibition period.
(5) Applicants whose exhibition applications have passed the review shall pay a deposit and the exhibition site usage fees before the announced deadline. The Hwa Kang Museum will inform applicants about the exhibition dates and sites. The exhibited works must be set for display. The deposit will be returned to the applicants at the end of the exhibition. Applicants who are unable to hold the exhibitions as scheduled shall notify the museum prior to the application review period.
Applicants who fail to meet the aforementioned regulations (e.g., those who suspend the exhibitions midway or those who change the exhibitors) may not submit another application until one year later, and their deposit and exhibition site usage fees will not be returned.
(6) The deposit and exhibition site usage fee schedule are detailed in the table attached.
(7) Exhibitors shall be responsible for purchasing insurance for their exhibited works and for purchasing any related insurance that protects the works from forces majeure (e.g., man-made or natural disasters) during the exhibition period.
(8) Exhibitors shall arrange and pay for the exhibition opening tea parties and cocktail parties themselves.
(9) Exhibitors shall maintain the Hwa Kang Museum exhibition site (the use of nails, thumbtacks, and double-sided tapes is prohibited), and shall pay for any damage caused. Additionally, they shall return the exhibition site to its original clean condition at the end of the exhibition.
(10) The works exhibited shall be set for display. Flower baskets or other items unrelated to the exhibition are not allowed at the exhibition site.
(11) The exhibition is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily. The exhibition site is closed on weekends, holidays, and winter and summer vacations when administrative staff are off (changes to these rules will be made according to the regulations of the Chinese Culture University).
(12) For any other related questions, please contact the Hwa Kang Museum exhibition coordinator.
7. These Regulations are in effect after they have been approved during the administrative meeting. The same principle applies when revisions are made.
The deposit and exhibition site usage fee schedule for the use of exhibition site(s) provided by the Hwa Kang Museum, Chinese Culture University is as follows:
1. An exhibition site usage fee is to be paid for every exhibition; applicants may apply for the use of either one exhibition site or two exhibition sites. The exhibition site fees cover the use of the exhibition site(s) for two weeks. Exhibitors shall pay the following fees: exhibited work review fee, exhibition site maintenance fee, and consumable fee, etc.
2. The deposit is NT$2,000 per exhibition.